PEDOT:PSS conductive polymers have received tremendous attention over the last two decades owing to their high conductiv......
Compliant micromechanisms (CMMs) acquire mobility from the deflection of elastic members and have been proven to be robu......
Reducing environmental impacts and resource consumption in manufacturing processes is one of the important issues in gre......
18 nm resolution near-field scanning optical lithography using nanoscale bowtie apertures with ultra
Nanoscale ridge apertures have been demonstrated to be applied for high resolution lithography.In this paper,we perform ......
目的 调查营养面条生产加工环节中肠杆菌科和克罗诺杆菌的污染状况,对克罗诺杆菌进行溯源研究.方法 采集某营养面条生产企业的生产......